Sunday 1 May 2011

Dutch Orange Day

This weekend is Dutch Orange day.
That means stroopwafels all weekend for Mum and Dad & cuddle time with Ben and Kim for me.
Mum and Dad dropped me off at Auntie Kim and Uncie Ben on Saturday afternoon and I was allowed to spend the whole day with them and have a sleep over at their place in my travel cot.
It was great, I did not poo all over myself this time, so saved uncie Ben some washing, hahaha.

I brought my new stroller to their place, so they can help me testdrive it.
On Sunday they took me down to the city to visit Mum and Dad and Aunty Sarah ( who was helping out) at their Deliciously Dutch Stroopwafel stand in the city.
We took this big driving thing, called a tram, That was awesome, there were so many people travelling in this thing, I had a lot to watch.
 Auntie Kim and Uncie Ben made sure everything was packed into my stroller and I was the perfect baby all day, I even got to sample one of the stroopwafels.... ( when Mum was not watching).
Mum and Dad had a big queue in front of their stand, but Auntie Kim was helping them out as well, which gave Mum some time to cuddle me.
Dad only had tiny 30 second breaks in between waffles, but even he was running in and out of the stand to give me hugs. Look how good Dad is at slicing the stroopwafels,when I grow up I want to become a stroopwafel baker.

Monday 25 April 2011

Lerderderg State Park - bushwalking!

Mum and Dad took me for a bushwalk in the backpack to Lerderderg State Park in the Easter weekend. We started at 11.00 am and the walk is about 12-14 km, but i do not mind, I am not walking it! I travel first class as I have a carrier, Dad.

I had great fun in the backpack, Mum and Dad first thought I would go to sleep within first hour, but the track was very overgrown and had a lot of fallen trees due to the recent floods, so Dad had to climb under and over trees. This made me jiggle up and down and backwards and forwards, just like a rollercoaster (not that I have been in one of those yet, but Mum explained to me what that was).

Dad sometimes had to duck under a tree like this one, sometimes he was even doing military crawls just like me! Sometimes Dad forgot that he had me on his back as and some leaves would end up in my face, but I did not mind.
Sometimes when there was an low hanging branch, I managed to grab it and pull some gumleaves off, which I then tried to eat, just like a little koala bear. Mum thought that was very cute. Mum and Dad decided at that time that it would be time to find a picnic spot to feed me.

 This was our beautiful picnic spot on the water.

 And after the picnic, more trees and trees and did I mention trees.

I was enjoying it so much that I was singing, growling, laughing and squeeling of joy. Last time Mum and Dad did this walk about 2 years ago, long before my time, they saw heaps of wildlife, kangaroos and koalas, but apparently this time I scared them all away with my loud noises. We did not see anything, but the trees were great fun.

We got back at the car around 4.30 pm and I did not want to leave the comfy backpack.

Friday 18 March 2011

Maternal Health Nurse visit #8 - 8 months

I am already 8 months and 3 days, how time flies.
Today we are visiting Elaine again and Mum is positive that all of the nasty bugs from January are out of my system as my appetite is now huge.

My weight a whopping 8.050 kg, my length 72.1 cm and my head circumference 44.0 cm.
Mum has been increasing the solid food intake slowly and the breastmilk is running down, which is a good thing as I am getting a big boy now and big boys don't breast feed anymore.
Mum reduced the breastfeeds from 4 to only 2 a day in the last month and is reducing them to only 1 a day in the next week.
Mum said when I turn 8.5 months on 1 April 2011, I will be not on breast anymore as I will be officially a big boy.

I will miss the cuddles with Mum, but guess what, Mum said we can still cuddle and if I am not drinking, we have more cuddle time. Awesome! 

Sunday 27 February 2011

Picnic with Ben, Kim, Nara and Carl (and Mum and Dad)

We went for a picnic yesterday in the Fitzroy gardens. Good fun! I just relaxed a bit and had some food, but the rest of the bunch was quite active...playing frisbee. That looked like a great game, I guess I need to work on that, hihi.

 Nara and Aunty Kim feeding me pineapple, yummie!
 I'll have some crisps, thank you!
 Happy Aunty Kim
 Uncie Ben (I think he has eyes on the back of his head as well, as he puts his sunglasses on backwards)
 Dad and me!

 I really enjoy sitting in my high chair and eat! Mum says that I am just like Dad when I eat...I just always try to eat as much and as fast as never know when you eat again! What is also good about sitting in my chair is that I can look around and watch Maui and Molokai (our cats) playing and running around. They are starting to like me.

After a long day it is time for a nap with Mum and Maui!

Sunday 13 February 2011


Eating is going great, but sometimes Mum thinks it is already okay to not mash and puree everything and she puts a bit too much texture in my food.
I have found a very entertaining way to show Mum (see the video) I do not like that and it creates a lot of mess!

Also I said 'Mama' for the first time and Mum caught it on video.
Dad does not believe it sounds like Mama (he just wants me to say Daddy first).
Have a listen, what do you think?

Saturday 12 February 2011

First week at Little Champs Child Care

Mum is starting work next week, so this week I started to practice at Child Care. The Child Care centre is called Little Champs Child Care, because all children that go there are 'little Champions'. On Tuesday I went for the first time and met Neeta who is responsible for the baby group. She is a very nice lady. I am the youngest in the group and most children are around 12 months old and already crawling and some are walking. It is a good thing that I am specialist now in sitting without support. That means that I just sit back, relax and check our what the other kids are doing. Mum is not really looking forward to start work again and she keeps saying that she will miss me alot!!! I can not really blame her, look how cute I am!