Thursday, 30 September 2010

Hearing test

Oma and Mum took me this morning for a hearing test. This is a routine test for all premature babies, who have been in Special Care for more than 48 hours.
At the hearing clinic Mum and I were taken to a dark room and I got 4 electrodes attached to my head. Mum was supposed to get me to sleep for the test, but because I was visiting a new and exciting place and I love to see what is going on, there was no chance of me sleeping.
Next best thing besides sleeping, was trying to keep me as still as possible, which worked when Mum started breastfeeding me. They tested my left and right ear by measuring my brainwaves in response to certain sounds and both ears appeared to be perfect.

I can even hear it when Mum and Dad are whispering, so watch out, I am listening to everything!!!

 Look I am an aeroplane! Great way to get rid of my little winds!