Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Final check with Dr Mills

Today I have my final check up with the paediatrician, Dr. Mills.
Before my appointment Mum took Oma and me to see the Special Care Unit, where I spent my first 12 days. The nurses were very happy to see I am such a chubby big boy already.
After that we went to see Dr. Mills. He was very happy to see me and gave me a thorough check. I weighed in at 5.6 kg and 38 cm head circumference. He forgot to do length because Mum was chatting to much again. He was so happy with my progress that he said that he never wanted to see me again! (he meant it in a nice way!)
He checked my hips, my lungs, my eyes, my ears, my abdomen everything. I stayed really relaxed and Mum was very proud, I was so easy.
The baby that was in his rooms before us, was crying like crazy, not like me, I am a happy baby.

Dr Mills told Mum that there is a big chance that if there is another baby Koopman ever to come.it might come early as well. So Mum for the next one, make sure the bag is packed!

After that Mum had the final check up with Grant, the obstetrician, and he was also very pleased to see me growing so well.