Mum and Dad took me for a bushwalk in the backpack to Lerderderg State Park in the Easter weekend. We started at 11.00 am and the walk is about 12-14 km, but i do not mind, I am not walking it! I travel first class as I have a carrier, Dad.
I had great fun in the backpack, Mum and Dad first thought I would go to sleep within first hour, but the track was very overgrown and had a lot of fallen trees due to the recent floods, so Dad had to climb under and over trees. This made me jiggle up and down and backwards and forwards, just like a rollercoaster (not that I have been in one of those yet, but Mum explained to me what that was).
Dad sometimes had to duck under a tree like this one, sometimes he was even doing military crawls just like me! Sometimes Dad forgot that he had me on his back as and some leaves would end up in my face, but I did not mind.
Sometimes when there was an low hanging branch, I managed to grab it and pull some gumleaves off, which I then tried to eat, just like a little koala bear. Mum thought that was very cute. Mum and Dad decided at that time that it would be time to find a picnic spot to feed me.
And after the picnic, more trees and trees and did I mention trees.
I was enjoying it so much that I was singing, growling, laughing and squeeling of joy. Last time Mum and Dad did this walk about 2 years ago, long before my time, they saw heaps of wildlife, kangaroos and koalas, but apparently this time I scared them all away with my loud noises. We did not see anything, but the trees were great fun.
We got back at the car around 4.30 pm and I did not want to leave the comfy backpack.
I had great fun in the backpack, Mum and Dad first thought I would go to sleep within first hour, but the track was very overgrown and had a lot of fallen trees due to the recent floods, so Dad had to climb under and over trees. This made me jiggle up and down and backwards and forwards, just like a rollercoaster (not that I have been in one of those yet, but Mum explained to me what that was).
Dad sometimes had to duck under a tree like this one, sometimes he was even doing military crawls just like me! Sometimes Dad forgot that he had me on his back as and some leaves would end up in my face, but I did not mind.
Sometimes when there was an low hanging branch, I managed to grab it and pull some gumleaves off, which I then tried to eat, just like a little koala bear. Mum thought that was very cute. Mum and Dad decided at that time that it would be time to find a picnic spot to feed me.
This was our beautiful picnic spot on the water.
I was enjoying it so much that I was singing, growling, laughing and squeeling of joy. Last time Mum and Dad did this walk about 2 years ago, long before my time, they saw heaps of wildlife, kangaroos and koalas, but apparently this time I scared them all away with my loud noises. We did not see anything, but the trees were great fun.
We got back at the car around 4.30 pm and I did not want to leave the comfy backpack.