Thursday, 9 December 2010

Meeting the Daemen family

I arrived in Bingelrade today and met the rest of the Daemen family: my grand pa (Opa), my aunty Joyce, and uncle Rob. It was very good of course to see Oma again as well.

I also met the dog chacco, he is very big  (Dad explained that he is 8x as heavy as Maui, and I thought Maui was big!). The first couple of times Chacco barked, I started crying... not anymore because Opa and Oma explained that Chacco is a very sweet dog and is just trying to protect me. I am sure that I will post photos from me and Joyce, Rob and Chacco soon!!!
I like the Netherlands, it is very cold and the streets are completely white, which is because it has been snowing for the last couple of days, it looks beautiful.

I have a bit of trouble though adjusting to the time-difference, but Mum and Dad ensured me that I will get used to this soon. Tomorrow (Friday), I will be meeting the rest of the Koopman Family (Oma and Opa) and my aunt Monique and uncle Marcel and my nephew Ilan  and niece Nomi on Saturday....I look forward to it!

A picture of me and my Aunty Joyce!!!