Thursday, 15 July 2010

My Arrival.....

Mum was having a rough night because the lady next to her, kept ringing for a Midwife at every contraction, so Mum was unable to sleep and completely exhausted. Poor mum!!!!
At about 3am in the morning I had enough of that crazy woman keeping my Mum awake and thought I am just going to come out to tell her off. I put on the contractions at about 10 minutes a part at 3am as Mum still tried to sleep through the night. In the morning at 6am, when the Midwife came in with the new  medication, Mum said to the Midwife: "I am having contractions every 5 minutes." The Midwife said: "How can you sleep so quietly, when contractions are 5 minutes apart. We have to get you in a delivery room ASAP, you are having a baby in a few hours." Mum in shock again. I was just laughing: Surprise, surprise, me again!!!!

At 6am, Mum texted Dad on his mobile: "Please come to the hospital (do not rush), I am having contractions, about 5-7 minutes apart…". Dad as usual freaked out as he realised that Mum would go into labour today and that I would arrive!!!

Dad arrived at the hospital at around 7am, Mum was already in the delivery room, on the monitor looking beautiful. My heart rate was fine, contractions quite regular with an intensity that she could easily cope with. Mum did not have any breakfast and she was quite hungry but not allowed to eat anything as this would definitely result in vomitting during labour. The Midwife (Maree) suggested using laughing gas to cope with the contractions. Mum could not stop gassing, she was loving it.

At around 830am Grant came to see her and we learned that Mum had 3-4 cm dilation. Contractions got more intense and Mum decided to take the suggested pethidine injection in her but, especially since I appeared to be turned the wrong way and Mum felt the contractions in her back ( Sorry Mum, it is hard to tell what is front and back from the inside). At 11am Mum had full dilation and was allowed to push. Drs Grant (obstetrician) and Dr John Mills (paediatrician) arrived and after 40 minutes of pushing I was born..... and placed on Mums chest at 11:40 am.

 Mum looked a bit shocked (probably because it was such a surprise that I came 5,5 weeks early). I started to cry immediately to show Mum I was fine, as I new she would be checking my ten fingers, ten toes and whether I was breathing. The doctors were quite impressed by my size. Dad cut the umbillical cord and Dr Mills did the necessary checks for my health; he gave me a 9 on the Apgar Scale score card immediately after delivery! It will be hard to beat that 9 in school later!
I was wrapped in blankets and Mum was able to cuddle me again. As with all premmie babies they are taken away quite quickly for a full check up and  because I did not want Mum to worry whilst I was away with Dad, I even pointed my little lips to send her a little kiss.
Of course Dad, who went with me, was taking heaps of pictures when they took me away, so Mum would not miss any of the action Dad and I were up to with Dr. Mills in the other room.

Then Dad took me to the nursery where they checked my weight and blood glucose levels.
 I weighed a whopping 2590grams, heel prik showed that my blood glucose dropped down to 1.8 so I immediately received special formula to increase my blood glucose. Dad was not worried at all, because he knows all about blood glucose and it was quite a trip I had to do!
Dad had his first wrestle with me already to get me into my first tiny little nappy and my little jumpsuit, which turned out to be pretty dificult for Dad.

They also put in a nasogastric feeding tube, as at 34 weeks and 3 days I did not have a sucking reflex yet and am unable to breast/bottle feed.
After that I was wrapped in blankets again and was pretty tired… but so cute (Dads words not mine). I fell asleep quite quickly, pretty happy with myself after the first nasogastric tube feed.
Dad went back to check on Mum… Mum was still in the delivery-room all alone and a bit upset, although on the otherhand quite happy that she was finally able to eat and she had a massive lunch… this was the first time that Mum and Dad could express to each other how happy they were with their little boy. Dad said to Mum:" Je hebt hem goed gebakken"! Also the first moment for the new parents to call their parents and friends. Mum did not care that it was 4am in Netherlands, she just woke everyone up.
When the pain medication stopped working, Mum was allowed to walk and Dad and Maree helped her into the shower. After the shower a clean Mum was escorted to our new suite (16) and Dad brought all the stuff we had (and that was a lot). Then of course it was time for Mum to check out her baby-boy ( that's ME!) in the nursery and cuddle him. Mum had a real adrenaline rush and kept repeating that she was not tired at all (very funny!) 

Just after dinner Laura stopped by (on her way to the airport to go back to Sydney) and was our first visitor in the hospital after I was born. Mum and Laura went to see little me sleeping in the Special Care Nursery.

The second visitor was Sarah. She came in with a massive Winnie the Pooh and more gifts.

Mum tried to breast feed me, but that was more having a little play than actual drinking, as I had no clue what to do at all yet, but Mum was very patient and understood that I was still tired.
Today I am getting 20 mL every 3h via tube feeds and Mum and Dad are being taught by the special care nurses how to change nappies ..... exciting stuff!
At around 730pm Ben and Kim stopped by for a quick peek and they brought wonderful flowers and delicious cupcakes for Mum to get her strength up and at about 830pm Mum and Dad went to bed after Mum had Oma on the phone to catch up on the first day of Brett's life.

The happy Koopman Family