Look at my big hands! Mum says they look like grandpa's (Mum's Dad).
Mum and Dad had the car seat installed this morning at the last minute, so they were able to take me home.
They arrived at around 11am and after having some tea/coffee with Dad's baked speculaas taart for the whole Special Care Unit, it was time to say goodbye and finally see my new room at home. I am going to miss Charlie,who will still be in Hospital for another week, but our Mums will set up coffee dates at first and later hopefully play dates.
Me and Charlie
Mr Stork, who flew all the way from Netherlands (from Auntie Monique and Uncle Bas) was already welcoming me at the front door!
And look how big my cot is. Great to sleep in the big cot already, very exciting!
My Winny the Pooh room is just awesome