Friday, 18 March 2011

Maternal Health Nurse visit #8 - 8 months

I am already 8 months and 3 days, how time flies.
Today we are visiting Elaine again and Mum is positive that all of the nasty bugs from January are out of my system as my appetite is now huge.

My weight a whopping 8.050 kg, my length 72.1 cm and my head circumference 44.0 cm.
Mum has been increasing the solid food intake slowly and the breastmilk is running down, which is a good thing as I am getting a big boy now and big boys don't breast feed anymore.
Mum reduced the breastfeeds from 4 to only 2 a day in the last month and is reducing them to only 1 a day in the next week.
Mum said when I turn 8.5 months on 1 April 2011, I will be not on breast anymore as I will be officially a big boy.

I will miss the cuddles with Mum, but guess what, Mum said we can still cuddle and if I am not drinking, we have more cuddle time. Awesome!